Book name is How to develop self confidence and Influence people by public speaking, written by Dale Carnegie .It book has almost 257 pages. The book is about public speaking and development of self confidence. Author gives examples of the famous writers, public speakers and politicians how they were prepared their speechs? According to me author was impressed by the Abraham Lincoln's attitude and his public speaking strategy. Because he wrote lot of things about former US president.

Author shares ideas how to speak in public? What you should do when you haven't confidence?How you should prepare your speech?What you should do on stage when you go there? How you should start your speech? What should be your attitude there? How you should do end of your speech? How you can improve your vocabulary? How you can remember any important dates of history? If you forgot your points how you should manage that? Audience attention and interest is very important things for speaker therefore author also wrote, how to get attention?  In short author cover almost every aspects of public speaking in very unique style. He also used examples for batter understanding of his readers and students of public speaking.

He says, if you deliver ten percent of your preparation it would be the good speech. 

According to me it is very good book to read and gain some public speaking knowledge. Most importantly writer shares ideas with his personal experiences that's why his ideas and points are valuable for me. But somethings I couldn't get clearly. 

I rate this book 9 out of 10.